
God gets a MySpace page


hidden persuader said...

ehehehe amusing

Anonymous said...

On a related note, have a look at the MySpace page to help create Jesus 2.0: http://memehuffer.typepad.com/meme_huffer/2007/01/the_satirical_p.html

speed said...

Thanks, Jason, that's so funny I love how you can create fictious ideas like this based on sci-fi'ish truth, cloning exists and not far off which why it makes this so believable. There was an article in the Guardian weekend last year about web 2.0 innovators and how some of them turned out to be sci fi geeks. Sci Fi stuff eventually becomes reality. I remember reading Ender's Game some time ago when I was a kid and a fair few of the ideas and technologies mentioned at the time actually happened. If someone can imagine it, it will come.